To be successful-Never, Ever, OUIT!

Posted 09/24/2009 by Ron Craft
Categories: Business, Business Goals, Dreams, Personal Goals, Positive Mental Attitude

Someone once asked Thomas Edison why did it take so many failures at inventing the light blub. He answered back that it took over 2000 ways how not to do it. Alot of people would have stopped at maybe 500 times and would have thought that they gave it their best shot. A few would have tried a 1000 times, and for sure no one would have thought any less of them. But, that’s not what it took. Thomas A. Edison knew that it was possible to invent such a marvelous thing and he set out, come hell or high water to do just that. He wasn’t a quitter.

Abraham Lincoln, perhaps one of our countries great presidents, didn’t always seem that great. For over 21 times, ol Abe tried, ran and failed at public offices. Each time I’m sure there were the naysayers along the way. “Hey Abe, your not cutout to run for public office.” But, he prevailed. He had this inner drive that he could and would succeded. That determination, that mindset of not being a quitter, drove him to greatness.

Most of us will probadly never invent some world saving device or  even accomplish the level of position and greatness  that these men have done before us. But, as we look at these men they had something in common. Something that separated them from not only their fellow peers, but for the most part, the rest of the world. They failed, yes, but everytime, they just dusted themselves off and got back up and went at it again, and again.

They became winners. They were successful in business and for the most part in life. That’s what we know them as. Babe Ruth, the Homerun King of baseball, was also the Strikeout King. But, what is he best known for? A winner, a hero.

In business there are alot of examples of winners, successful men and women, who made it to the top of their professions or endeavors. Again, they all have that same trait- Never give up, never quit.

Wheither you are starting a home-based business, a new family, a new project or a new life, never, never, never quit. There are going to be roadblocks along the way. Some stumbling blocks, like I talked about in another blog, that will try and slow or even stop you from succeding at your task.

Some of those stumbling blocks can come as what we call “Dream Stealers”. People who say that it dosen’t work. Your going to fail. What are you thinking? Probadly the same ones that Edison, Ruth and Lincoln experienced along the way to their glory.

Don’t let your Dreams fade. Don’t be a quitter. When you fail and fall down, just pick yourself up that one more time.

“Some men dream and say why. Others dream and say why not.”  Pres. John F. Kennedy

Stepping Stone or Stumbling Block?

Posted 09/22/2009 by Ron Craft
Categories: Business Deceisions, Business Goals, Personal Goals, Positive Mental Attitude

In building any type of business, either brick & mortar, network marketing or an Internet Business, there is always that part of the process that no ones wants to think about. FAILURE! Not reaching your goal. Not making the kind of money you thought you would make. Having that awful, terrible stigma stamp on your life and always being reminded by your loved ones and/or friends that you were not successful in that thing, that so-call unique opportunity, that ground-level business.  Alot of us have been there and done that. But what really happened?

Did you build your business on using stumbling blocks or were there some stepping stones along the way? What’s the difference?  Did you know at the time which was which? Let’s examine the two.

Stumbling Block: Any object, any person(s) or any action that led you away from you reaching your goals or performing in a way that was either negative or disruptive in nature. Examples: Listening to any negative person, Giving up and/or quitting, Procrastination, Following the wrong advice, Reading anti- literature,  etc.

Stepping Stone: Any object, any person(s) or any action that leads you to reaching your goals or becoming a more positive person.  Also, anything that leads to  a better position, higher level, clearer understanding, more knowledge, better skills and any amount of success. Examples: Postive affirmations, positive mental attitude books or tapes, postive people, Not quitting, Learning from the successes of others, etc.

Choosing the wrong action (stepping stone or stumbling block) will make or break your business venture. Knowing  before hand, having a clear vision of your own thoughts, your direction, making the right deceisions, using the proper Stepping Stones, will insure your Business Success.

Blog Marketing

Posted 09/22/2009 by Ron Craft
Categories: Affiliate Marketing, Cashflow, Internet Business, Network Marketing, Online Marketing

According to Pyra Labs Blogger, “A blog is a web page made up of usually short, frequently updated posts that are arranged chronologically—like a what’s new page or a journal.” The term is actually weblogs coined by Jorn Barger in 1997.

Blog marketing according to Wikipedia:  is the term used to describe internet marketing via web blogs. These blogs differ from corporate websites because they feature daily or weekly posts, often around a single topic. Typically, corporations use blogs to create a dialog with customers and explain features of their products and services.

Blogging is the way to produce an online presence devoid of the technical issues of owning your own website. Nearly all blogs are obtainable with free hosting and come with already installed features, which means set up is fairly simple.  A blog with a niche will perform better than a personal one. Personal blogs though, can and do cover the full spectrum of interests, comments and subject matter.

Blogs can additionally create cashflow  income by way of programs like Google Adwords and AdSense or even thru programs such as Affiliate Marketing. Also, blogging can lead interested parties to various other websites, either personal or business (Network Marketing, etc.)

Blogging has come to it’s own online presense.  As a free (for the most part) way to get online, find interesting articles and ideas, establish relationships with others and even create additional Cashflow income, has become a fun and interesting way to surf the Internet.

Prospecting vs Recruiting?

Posted 09/21/2009 by Ron Craft
Categories: Cashflow, Home-Based Business, Internet Business, Internet Business Marketing, Marketing, Network Marketing, Online Marketing, Prospecting, Recruiting, Sponsoring

The question that seems to pop-up alot in the Network/Internet Marketing arena is that proverbial one. To build a successful home-based business what type of sponsoring  should I use? Prospecting or Recruiting?

Should I be looking first for some customers. Build a solid repeatable customer base and hoping at sometime along the way, they (the customer) will catch the vision/dream and start building their own CashFlow business. Entice them every so often with those wonderful jam packed DVD’s. Or get real brave and invite them to an epic event opportunity meeting. All of these are well and good. For alot of folks, that is the only way they know how to build a business.

In my humble opinion, that approach to building a Network Marketing business is what I would call “Prospecting“. You are out there contacting (digging) through your friends, relatives, neighbors and a occasional office worker. Like a prospector, you keeping digging thru the hard pan rock, looking for that ever elusive vein of gold. Along the way (getting frustrated and working real hard) you will find a few gems. There is alot of throwing mud up on the wall and hoping some will stick.  This senario has been around a long time and alot of people just burn out in the process. A few have made it though, but the list is rather short.

Is there another way? Well, fellow Business builders there is. It’s call “Recruiting“. What I mean is building a business- Network Marketing or Online Internet Business, using some sound, proven and highly more successful concepts of sponsoring. Sure getting customers is very vital to anyone’s business. To be legit (not a Priamid Ponzi scheme) then there has to be an equal or more of exchange of money for some product and/or service. But it’s the way one get’s those customers that is important.

When you are using this sponsoring  concept of  Recruiting, you are using a different mindset. That person you are thinking of, either again a friend, relative, business associate or even that person online that you don’t know from Adam. That person is approached using some different dialogue/script. You Recruit them by using some approaches like – Feel, Felt and Found, exposing them to the Business Opportunity first. Share the products along the way, but foremost you are sorting, selecting these people to be a partner in your business. One Recruiting concept is the Red Apple. Everyone you meet will fall into one of the three catagories: Red Apples- Green Apples- Rotten Apple.

  • RED APPLES- These are people you meet or get to know and right off, they are excited, hungry for solution to there situaction. They are fired up and are those diamonds in the rough. They will become some of your great leaders soon.               20% of your organization will be in this catagory.
  • GREEN APPLES- This type of person is one who is interested in your business, definitely becomes a customer, but needs a little bit of time. They will attend your meetings, will graduadlly recruit others along the way. These people you will need to work with fairly regularly.     80% of your business will be this type.
  • ROTTEN APPLES- These people are the naysayers. There the “Dream Stealers” as Jim Rohn would say. For the most part they are negative, stuck in a mental rut people. They are the ones who say it can’t be done. For some, it’s a simple “I”m not interested”- not even knowing what it’s all about.

So in Recruiting, what should you be doing? First, determine if possible which kind of apple they are. ( some will fool you) Approach people, either online, on the phone or in person with the single-minded thought of you are looking for a few partners to work with. You know and you even tell them that your business may or may not be for them, but you are looking some key people. Be selected. Let people know of front, that this is a business and you are looking to expand in there area.

If Prospecting, learn the trade. Learn the tools that will get the right results. If though you are wanting to Recruit for your Network Business or Online Internet Business, then get in the right mind-set. Realize what everyone is (Red, Green or maybe Rotten apples) and approach as such. Spend 80% of your time with the Red Apples, 20% with the rest.

This will and can make a big difference in the success or failure of your business. If you are a leader then you will be able experience the success that so many others are doing now.

Internet Marketing in the 21st. Century

Posted 09/21/2009 by Ron Craft
Categories: Business, Business Plan, Dynamic Compression, Franchising, Internet Business, Internet Business Marketing, Marketing, Multi-Level, Network Marketing, Products

Business marketing has come along way since the old days. Brick and mortar, francising, Multi-Level marketing (like Shacklee, Nutrilite, Amway, Avon, Mary Kay, Watson), Network Marketing, home based and now Internet Business marketing.

Some of these original companies have unfortunely fallen by the wayside or have under gone drastic changes. All started out to be product driven, but along the way the emphasis on building customer base became secondary. Business tools, epic media events, videos became the main focus and the drive to excell financially (which don’t get me wrong, is not necessarly a bad thing) became the agenda of the day. It was driven by the mega leaders, the King-pens of the MLM world, to push the dream first and foremost; the products becames an after thought.

Out of all that trying to re-invent the marketable business plan,  came some companies that had learned from the past and reconized also that for the most part, people had either became burned to that type of business building or started looking for something that made more sense. A  marketing business that developed great products, offered uniqueness and value and that made sense.

Coming to the 21st. century,  what are people looking for in an opportunity? What is the wave, the S Curve, the next great concept that will revolunize how we all do our day to day business models? A business concept  that could be built the right way, with a great compensation plan that favors the distributor first, not the company. Maybe the right caliber of leaders and founders that truly believe in what there doing and not so much to see how fast they can make their millions and then move on to something else.

Internet Business Marketing is the answer. Taking the good of doing business, and adding the ability to expand even globally, reaching that customer or potential partner that thru the old brick and mortar business model and even the traditional Network Marketing, one would never for the most part reach that level of success.

There are some good companies out there that seem to fit that bill. Check out the founding leaders of the company. Are they business-minded and successful in other businesses? Are they financially stable and sound? Where is the focus of the company in regards to their products?  Do they offer something that is different, or something that is just another vitamin or juice company.

Cashflow income can become one of the prime motivators in deceiding which business opportunity is best for you. What compensation plan is being used- Binary, Uni-Binary, Matrix, 4×7 matrix, Open ended and the list goes on. What bonuses are truly reachable? Is there Dynamic Compression in the plan?

The journey is there. The quest for that right business contiunes.